أخبار وبيانات صحفية

The Arab Monetary Fund released a study on: “An Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Information in the Volatility Structure of Real Exchange Rates”

As a result of the symmetric analysis, the findings indicate that volatility structures of the real exchange rate markets' return under study are symmetrically informative.

An understanding of the volatility structure of foreign exchange rates is fundamental to assessing investment risks in the forex market. This study, therefore, analyzes the symmetric and asymmetric information in the volatility structure of selected Arab exchange rate markets.

The study applied the EGARCH model for analyzing the volatility structure of selected currencies using the daily data of rate of return of real exchange rates over the period from January 3, 2017, to June 2, 2022. These currencies are the Saudi Riyal, Kuwait Dinar, Bahrain Dinar, Egyptian Pound, Algerian Dinar, Tunisian Dinar, and Moroccan Dirham.

The Arab Monetary Fund Releases The Seventeenth Edition of the Arab Economic Outlook Report Including Macroeconomic Forecasts for Arab Economies for 2022 and 2023

  • According to the Arab Monetary Fund, the expected economic growth rate for the Arab countries will rise to 5.4 percent in 2022 due to rising oil prices, the increase in production in Arab oil-exporting countries, and the continuation of reforms that promote growth.


In line with its continuous efforts to support the decision-making process in Arab countries, the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) has released the Seventeenth Edition of the Arab Economic Outlook Report, including growth and inflation forecasts for Arab economies for 2022 and 2023.

The report indicated that the global economy is experiencing challenges related to the global supply chains and high commodity prices, which raise concerns about global food security. As a result, international institutions have reduced their forecasts for global economic growth issued in January 2022.

Buna holds its 35th virtual workshop to share cross-functional updates related to Technology, Operations, and Compliance

The workshop will shed light on key capabilities and live experiences that are of interest to Buna’s banking community  

More than 200 senior officials will attend the workshop, representing central banks and a wide spectrum of regional and global financial institutions

Abu Dhabi, 11th August 2022: Buna, the cross-border payment system owned by the AMF, holds today a workshop to shed light on several key capabilities and live experiences that are of interest to Buna’s banking community, namely an overview on its Application Programming Interface (API), Buna’s plans for extending its operating window, and various compliance aspects including sharing live experiences and findings.

The workshop will host more than 200 senior officials representing central banks, along with various institutions from the financial, banking, and payment sectors in the region and beyond.

Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) extends its engagement to promote the scale of responsible digital payments across its member countries

  The Arab Monetary Fund, a regional financial organization, joins the United Nations-Better Than Cash Alliance to accelerate financial inclusion in the region


The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) will increase the use of responsible digital payments in its programs and operations to boost financial inclusion, transparency and efficiency. The AMF will continue to prioritize youth, women and small businesses in its efforts on payment digitization, helping advance the Sustainable Development Goals.


H.E. Dr. Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy, Director General Chairman of the Board of the Arab Monetary Fund, said: “Making responsible payment digitization a reality across our member countries will help bring many more citizens, particularly youth, women and small businesses, in the financial system, in a way that serves their needs. By doing that, Arab nations will foster sustainable growth, create employment opportunities, reduce inequality and maintain financial stability”.  

Buna publishes its first annual report

The 2021 annual report marks the first year of operations

Abu Dhabi, 30 June 2022: The Arab Regional Payments Clearing and Settlement Organization (ARPCSO), which operates Buna, the cross-border and multi-currency payment published its annual report for the year 2021. The 2021 annual report marks the first year of Buna’s operations. It summarizes the different achievements realized during this eventful year and the progress made in realizing our mission to provide efficient payment solutions that empower Arab economies and promote regional integration.       

 Commenting on this occasion His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy, Director General Chairman of the Board of the Arab Monetary Fund, said: “This annual report represents another important milestone that confirms the solid foundation of Buna and reinforces its potential to support growth and development in the Arab region and beyond.”

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds a virtual workshop to share the experience of Buna’s most active participants

The workshop is hosting high-level speakers from First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Bank Muscat, and Bank of Africa

More than 200 senior officials will attend the workshop, representing central banks and a wide spectrum of regional and global financial institutions

Abu Dhabi, 16 June 2022: The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds today, Thursday, June 16, 2022, a workshop to share the views of the participant banks that are the most active in using Buna (the cross-border payment system owned by the AMF) for their cross-border payments.

In a context where Buna is witnessing not only an increase of the number of participants, but also an increase of the number of currencies each participant uses, as well as a general increase of volumes and values of settled transactions, the workshop will gather high-level guest speakers representing First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Bank Muscat, and Bank of Africa. to They will share with the audience their concrete experience and practical knowledge resulting from using Buna’s cross-border and multicurrency payment services.

Arab Monetary Fund Releases a Study on “Public Debt in The Arab World: Asymmetric Effects on Economic Growth”

The Study refers to the Asymmetric relationship between public debt and economic growth in the short and long run and confirms the change in the size and the direction of the relationship over time

In line with its continuous efforts to support the decision-making process in the Arab countries, the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) has released a study titled " Public Debt in The Arab World: Asymmetric Effects on Economic Growth".

This study examines the asymmetric effect of public debt on economic growth rates in ten Arab countries. The study relies on the regression of time series and cointegration analysis for selected Arab countries based on the data availability. Specifically, it employs the Non-Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (NARDL) and a multiple structural breaks model.

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds a virtual workshop to share recent updates on Buna’s status and future plans and explore important aspects related to Buna instant payment services

More than 200 senior officials will attend the workshop, representing central banks and a wide spectrum of regional and global financial institutions


Abu Dhabi, 12 May 2022: The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds today, Thursday, May 12, 2022, a workshop to elaborate on Buna (the cross-border payment system owned by the AMF) progress on multiple fronts and share updates on its recent developments and future plans.   

During this workshop, the Buna team will take you through the journey of Buna as a cross-border payment system that includes multiple Arab and international currencies, a growing network of participants, and different initiatives for interoperability with regional and global players in the payment industry.  

Further details on Buna Instant payment services (IPS) will be highlighted during the workshop, covering aspects related to liquidity management and connectivity.

Governors Arab Day for Financial Inclusion - April 27, 2022 Under the overarching theme: “Importance of the Social Responsibility of Financial and Banking Institutions in Increasing Financial Inclusion”

Call on to:

Raising awareness on the concept of social responsibility of financial and banking institutions and the fundamentals of sustainable finance

The issue of enhancing access to finance and financial services in the Arab countries is receiving growing attention from the Council of Arab Central Banks and Monetary Authorities Governors, in recognition of the potential and significant opportunities that can be achieved by increasing financial inclusion to support inclusive and sustainable economic development, address unemployment challenges and achieve equality. There is no doubt that the repercussions and challenges for the financial and banking sector during the recovery phase from COVID-19 crisis clearly highlight the pressing need to enhance sustainable finance and the social responsibility of financial and banking institutions to serve sustainable development.

Arab Monetary Fund issues its Annual Report for 2021

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) approves five new loans to Arab countries in 2021, with approximately Arab Accounting Dinar (AAD) 148 million, equivalent to about US$623 million, to meet emergency financing needs and support economic and financial reform efforts.

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) launched its annual report on its activities in 2021, endorsed by its Council of Governors after briefing about the Fund's efforts to provide financial and technical support to promote economic and financial stability and achieve inclusive and sustainable growth in its member countries.