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Title Release Date
Joint Arab Economic Report 2017
The Impacts of non performing loans banks profitability and the Economic Activity
Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission to the Real Economy
Financial Education in the Arab World
Éducation financière dans le monde arabe
Payments and Securities Settlement System in Lebanon
Payments and Securities Settlement System in Lebanon
The Role of Arab Monetary Fund in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region
Annual Report 2016
Financial Inclusion Measurement in the Arab World
Financial Inclusion Measurement in the Arab World
Report on Pension Systems in the Arab Region
Joint Arab Economic Report 2016
Central Bank Papers on Monetary Policy Frameworks in the Arab Countries
Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region - A Stocktaking Report
Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability in the Arab Region
The Inter-relationship between Financial Stability and Financial Inclusion
Requirements of adoption a National Comprehensive Strategy to enhance the financial inclusion in Arab countries
Issues of Developing Retail payment systems
ِِAnnual Report 2015
AMF Strategy Framework 2015-2020
Joint IFI Needs Assessment on Local Capital Market Development
Arab Credit Reporting Guide